AmigaActive (1792/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:28 May 2000 at 15:54:48
Subject:Re: Kickstart Show

On Sun, 28 May 2000 15:48:27 +0100, Chris Green ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin


> > I did notice that for long periods their table was noticeably devoid
> > of people in the otherwise crowded hall.
> I'd have to disagree - they seemed to be doing a pretty steady trade
> throughout the day. And the feedback they gave us suggested they did really
> well out of having a stand at the show.

It must have been something to do with me then - almost every time i went
to their stand (twice) I was the only one there. It must be the lynx
effect ;-))

> On another, and much more important point though - did everyone who came
> along have a good time, and can I have some feedback?

Well I would have liked to have gone to the pub afterwards, but maybe next
time huh? And any chance of you holding it a bit further north, say
Birmingham? ;-)

Seriously, despite the long drive (well I did get someone else to drive me
home ;) i had a good time, and spent just a little too much :)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

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